Guest Blogging

CNE – Guest Blogging

Thank you for your interest in guest blogging for CNE!

A word about our audience:

Our audience is made up of professionals and people interested in Business at a high level. In general, they are normally well-established professionals or upcoming marketeers. We have visitors that work as consultants, managers and directors from medium sized companies and up. Your post simply needs to be directed to our core audience based on the areas that we cover:

  1. Leadership, strategy, ROI, directing agendas, driving profitability, managing company organizational structure and shareholder value.
  2. Budgeting, banking and insurance, strategic company finance, new investment initiatives, acquisitions and capital expenditures.
  3. Business planning, execution of strategy, marketing, sales, production, and personnel.
  4. Development and use of technology for customers, vendors, internal use and the potential development of technology as a product.
  5. Brand management, marketing planning and execution, product management, managing social innovation and product development initiatives.
  6. Development and use of internal and customer-facing service platforms, overall IT architecture, policies, strategies and standards.
  7. Organizational structure, workforce wellbeing, succession planning, talent management, change management, organizational and performance management, training, and compensation

Guest posting rules:

  1. You can’t directly advertise your product, business or service within your guest post unless we approve it first.  The point of guest posting is to show that you are a thought leader. Your only goal should be to educate our readers on a topic that helps them out.  The only exception to this is if you have some original research relevant to the article.
  2. You can link to your online products or services within the main body of your guest post. However, if you add many links to your web or service (or your client’s product or service!) our readers WILL pick this up as a subliminal advertisement and simply not like your post. They won’t share it – they probably won’t even read until the end.
  3. You can include a bio/signature section at the end of your post where you can link to your website.
  4. Do not include images that are copyrighted.
  5. We do not accept links to unethical sites such as purchasing likes/followers.
  6. We do not accept links to sites that are not relevant such as Casinos.

What will get your blog accepted?

We get many more submissions than we accept –  in fact, we only accept around 30% of all the submissions we receive. These are the criteria we look at:

  • Read our blog. Develop a sense of what we publish.
  • Write for Managers and Directors. Address what they are looking for.
  • Work on the main message in the introductory paragraph. Edit your first paragraph so that the point of your blog is clear.
  • Be prescriptive. Don’t just tell readers to do something. Explain how.
  • Be Value Adding. You have no idea how many articles we have submitted to us that simply say that Management is important and difficult.  Your article needs to add value.
  • Tell a story. Make it personal. Share things you have seen, the lessons you’ve learned, problems you’ve solved, etc.
  • Make it concrete. Give examples, details, metrics. Tell and show. Make it real. Deliver aha moments for readers who may be scratching their heads.
  • Make it long enough to engage and enrich readers (and no longer):  You should aim for 1,000 – 1,500 words but a shorter better quality blog is better than a rambling watery diatribe.
  • Disclosure. Please disclose any relationships/partnerships you have when providing examples, technologies, etc.
  • Use a friendly voice. Say Iweyou. Use contractions as you would normally (you’ll).
  • Include high-resolution images (PNG or JPGs) and/or video or infographic embed codes. Please make sure you send us the originals with your submission otherwise we can not include them.  Again, no copyright images.
  • Give credit. Check your facts and quotations. Cite your sources. No fake news!
  • Be passionate. 

Don’t feel like you have to complete your entire post before pitching it to us. Just start by sending us an email or fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you to discuss. Also, if you’re not sure if your idea for a post fits our guidelines, but you still think our audience will love it, go ahead and contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you!