Gartner’s rankings of the 2022 Global Supply Chain Top 25 revealed

Gartner, Inc. has released the results from its annual Global Supply Chain Top 25, identifying leading supply chains and highlighting their best practices.
“Nineteen companies achieved the highest possible environmental, social and governance (ESG) score this year, reflecting the growing importance supply chain leaders assign to these initiatives,” said Mike Griswold, vice president team manager with the Gartner Supply Chain practice.
Cisco Systems scored the top spot in the ranking for the third consecutive year, followed by Schneider Electric, Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson & Johnson and PepsiCo. Three companies joined the list for the first time: Microsoft, Siemens and AstraZeneca.
“Cisco continues to adapt in various ways to the changing environment, and its supply chain moves in alignment,” Griswold said. “ESG is a big focus, with circular concepts incorporated in the design, operations and consumption aspect of the products and the supply chain.”
To recognize sustained supply chain excellence, Gartner introduced the “Masters” category in 2015. To be considered Masters, companies must have attained top-five composite scores for at least seven out of the last 10 years. All of last year’s Masters – Amazon, Apple, P&G, McDonald’s, and Unilever – again qualified for the category this year.
“All of the Masters provide prime examples of how to deliver agility and responsiveness at scale for sustained periods of time,” Mr. Griswold added. “Other chief supply chain officers (CSCOs) can look to them and the other organizations in the ranking to learn their best practices.”
The report is available here.
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