A Manufacturer’s Guide to Digital Marketing

A Manufacturer’s Guide to Digital Marketing

The world of digital marketing has flourished in recent years. Many companies are relying increasingly less on traditional marketing strategies and moving toward the digital medium. Back in the day, most digital marketing campaigns took place on television, but that changed with the emergence and advancement of internet technology. Seeing that people are spending vast amounts of time on the internet, many marketers decided to direct their marketing campaigns online. Although some manufacturers saw the benefit of contemporary digital marketing techniques, a number of them are still relying on traditional methods. Read on to discover the most effective practices in regard to digital marketing for manufacturers and learn how to employ them.

1. Conduct online market research

Before you start preparing your digital marketing campaign, doing some research is essential. That’s how you’ll know what your online marketing strategy should center on. You can also analyze your own past campaigns to gain a general insight into what methods work best. Your research should revolve around discovering information about:

  • where the demand for your products is concentrated,
  • the profile of your main clients,
  • the online environment where your targeted clientele spends most of their time,
  • the marketing campaigns your competitors employ.

Only after gathering all the necessary information can you take the steps to work out the most effective digital marketing strategy.  

2. Keep your target audience in mind

Digital marketing allows you to easily target a specific type of potential clientele. That’s why establishing the main characteristics of your target audience, such as their age and profession, is highly valuable. Then, you’ll be able to focus on online platforms that they use the most. Furthermore, most social media apps, including Instagram and Facebook, offer targeted ads that you can pay for. This allows you to target specific groups of people according to the information gathered from their profiles. For example, if you were targeting the audience that is likely to buy a panel PC, you would try to specifically target owners of industrial companies. These PCs are water- and dust-proof and are designed to withstand extreme conditions. Apart from the usual social media platforms, LinkedIn could be the ideal option in this case. All in all, investing in social media ads can be very profitable, as statistics show that as of January 2022, 48.5% of the world population uses social media.

3. Devise a comprehensive plan and establish your goals

Every successful marketing strategy requires proper planning. Therefore, you should jot down ideas for your digital marketing campaign and set feasible goals based on the market research you conducted previously. This will allow you to look at your marketing strategy objectively, and revise the plan if you notice any weak points. Having specific goals with set dates for achievement will keep you motivated and help you stay on track. Keep in mind that even though you should be ambitious, you should still make sure that these goals are achievable.

4. Make use of marketing automation

Automation is often used to speed up the workflow, but it can also serve its purpose in digital marketing strategies. Similarly to workflow automation, marketing automation is used for the following purposes:

  • to automate repetitive processes,
  • to be more accessible to potential clientele,
  • to display more relevant, personalized content. 

You can be more accessible to potential customers by setting up automatic emails and using chatbots. That way, they can get to the information they are looking for instantly, without having to wait for your response. Automation is also helpful in terms of content that is displayed to clients, as it enables them to see relevant content which is based on their previous searches and ads they clicked on.

5. Employ inbound marketing

Inbound marketing can be a great solution as it allows your audience to find your products on their own. This type of marketing pertains to attracting customers indirectly, by creating engaging and meaningful content. For example, you may write blog posts related to the kind of products you’re manufacturing. That way, you’re going to attract the audience that is interested in these products in particular. Since they will be visiting your website to read these posts, there is a high chance they will check out your products.  

6. Get professional help to execute your digital marketing plan

Lastly, running a comprehensive digital marketing campaign can be a handful, especially because maintaining a steady online presence is the key to success. Although automation can help in some areas, you may still not be able to carry out the whole campaign by yourself. That’s why hiring digital marketing specialists can be highly beneficial. Not only are they skilled in writing eye-catching captions, but they can help you keep your social media accounts active on a regular basis. Furthermore, if you decide to include inbound marketing into your strategy, you may need some help to keep producing engaging content. In that case, hiring an inbound marketing agency can come in handy.

In summary, for a manufacturer’s digital marketing campaign to be successful, research, planning, and establishing goals is of the utmost importance. Furthermore, automating some aspects of digital marketing can boost the campaign. Opting for inbound marketing can also be beneficial for manufacturers. This is a comprehensive process, which is why hiring a professional to help with devising and/or executing the marketing strategy is sometimes necessary.

Tips For Creating High-Quality Tech Products

Tips For Creating High-Quality Tech Products

If you are developing tech products, now is the perfect time to achieve your goals. There is more demand than ever for your services. 

Many sectors struggled during the pandemic, but tech often thrived under concerns and restrictions, helping work from home and stay in touch with their loved ones. While these measures have eased, the appetite for innovative tech products remains at fever pitch levels. 

Of course, people are no strangers to bugs and malfunctions occurring in their favorite software and devices. Consumers will often stay away from cheap knock-off variations of products too. Creating high-quality products will rightly help you stand out and make waves in your sector.  

Below, you will find some tips that should help you create high-quality tech products instead of settling for something subpar. 

Monitor Industry Weaknesses

Every industry has an Achilles heel. Some of these vulnerabilities can be temporary, while others might be longer-lasting. Either way, some independent research needs to be carried out here. Before you can focus on what to get right, you need to see where things could go wrong. 

For example, the tech industry has been hit hard by the shortage of chips used in everything today, from high-end computers to common household appliances. Many companies have attempted to stockpile these components through these turbulent times, making it more difficult for smaller firms to get what they need. 

Track these changes as often as you can. Try to foster close relationships with suppliers, as you may need to call in favors one day. Be considerate of their needs and compromise in negotiations where you can. 

The pandemic has fuelled much of the supply shortages in tech, but customers will not always forgive setbacks and delays when spending significant amounts of money. Do everything in your power to get what you need. 

Focus on Originality 

Originality in tech is everything. The small startups who tweak the designs of bigger businesses rarely get anywhere. 

For example, some people gravitate toward budget cellphones instead of buying from one of the bigger brands. While some of these offerings can be worthwhile, few people will be awestruck by what you are trying to achieve if this is the limit of your tech firm’s ambitions. 

The old saying is true; go big, or go home. You can only create something of high quality if you have the aspirations and hunger to do so. Head back to the drawing board, if necessary, and come up with a device or software that can fulfil a crucial need in people’s lives. 

This does not mean you cannot source inspiration. Think about how things like remote working have saved industries from disappearing into obscurity or how the cloud and automation are more commonly used. Build on these ideas instead of replicating, and meet the national mood with whatever it is that you design.  

Run Constant Testing

Even if you create something of high quality, things may not always stay that way. New threats are constantly immerging, and your security solutions must always be primed. 

Utilize a DevSecOps program from places like ForAllSecure to repeatedly test any software you create throughout its development lifecycle. That way, you can have these needs as a constant priority, instead of tending to them at the eleventh hour. You can also learn about how fuzzing techniques can be used here, designed to uncover vulnerabilities in your programming and prevent you and your team from chasing false positives. 

Moreover, DevSecOps solutions can also mitigate a lot of stress for you and your development steam. Once all your heads are collectively cleared, you can collaborate with fewer worries distracting you all. Instead of worrying about what disasters might set you back to square one, you can focus on the innovation side of things. Quality control is no longer all-consuming. 

Nurture Developer and Tester Dynamics

Though much of testing is automated, you still need a dedicated team of testers to ensure full quality control. They can only do this if they feel confident about collaborating with the developers of your tech. 

One of the benefits of constant testing is that it gives more time for testers and developers to keep up with each other. There is also greater scope for integrating their security features with finer precision. By putting more effort into their collaboration, both teams can influence what each other’s workflows look like, share objectives, and address one another’s concerns through constant communication. 

Fostering positive relationships between these teams is paramount when developing high-quality tech products. Try to make sure they all get to know each other on a human level and build a strong rapport. Organize social events where they can all get to know each other. Establish a friendly culture, and encourage them to work in close proximity or check in with each other remotely. 

Teammates will come through for one another when they care about each other, which benefits tech development and testing enormously. Keep pushing that sense of positivity and collaborative spirit, and the boundaries of what you can achieve in tech will constantly expand.  

The Future of Website Advertisements in A Post Third-Party Cookies World

The Future of Website Advertisements in A Post Third-Party Cookies World

In March 2021, Google announced that it is ending third-party cookies.

This had mixed reactions from the world.

Those who understood the concept of cookies waited for the upcoming developments.

Others just wondered what was in it for them.

Marketers and advertisers to be specific, stood in confusion and indecisiveness, thinking about how their marketing campaigns would proceed.

Data companies and organizations, for a bit, thought about their future and how they would be proceeding.

The world went into a state of inconclusiveness. As if something was snatched.

For years, since the inception of the internet and cookies, organizations and brands have been using cookies to track their visitors.

This serves a lot of purposes, including ameliorating the overall experience, collecting specific data to improve ad targeting, knowing their interests even if they are not on the website, and more.

All in all, cookies meant life to the online advertising industry.

So, what went wrong then?

What made Google take such a decision? A decision that would enable a more private web, move toward “making third party cookies obsolete.”

One thing was clear, Google is concerned about the user data and wants to change the standards of how data is collected and used. Something they called as Sandbox initiative.

But would it mean the death of third-party cookies and a new approach to website development? Let’s explore.

But before we begin measuring the impact, let’s first have a look at cookie types and their use.

What Are Cookies & Their Types?

Cookies, well, are liked the most when freshly baked.

But in the digital realm, cookies are what advertisers and marketers use to track website users.

Cookies have been at the receiving end of criticism for the ability to track various kinds of information.

There are multiple cookie types, but we get to hear about a few of them.

The most heard-about are first-party and third-party cookies that track multiple types of information.

First-party cookies: In first-party cookies, the domain of the website is responsible for storing all the cookies. 

These help in collecting various kinds of data, including language preferences, analytical data, and some other preferences to keep the user experience top-notch.

First-party cookies are generally considered “good cookies” as they don’t collect any personal information that may affect a user by going the extra mile.

These are used by the user’s browser to keep the experience superior.

Third-party cookies: Third-party cookies are where things get a bit tricky. These are the cookies that are placed by the website that you are not currently using.

Third-party cookies execute the code that you are not currently using, through which they are able to track the user and access information.

These cookie types are most common and work through adding multiple tags. It is not necessary that users get to see ads through these, but the users or their devices can be tracked.

Third-party cookies have been under heavy criticism for their functions. But this may be going to change. The world of advertising might function differently in years to come.

Has Only Google Blocked These Marketers-Favorite Cookies?

When Google 2021 announced that it would be blocking the third-party cookies for Google Chrome, it wasn’t alone.

Some other major internet browsers announced that they would be blocking these cookies – and these are some big names. These include Firefox, Safari, and Brave.

Moreover, Google wasn’t even the first one to arrive at the party. Firefox was the first one to announce that it would be blocking these cookies in September 2019. This was followed by Brave in November 2019 and then Safari in March 2020.

But when Google announced that it was going to block these cookies, it shook the online advertising industry. Though predictable, this came as a surprise for many around the globe.

What’s Next?

After these major internet browsers “phase-out,” the paradigm will surely shift.

If not much, there will be some level of change in how we advertise today. The tracking might never be the same after these changes get translated into life.

Some ad-targeting platforms that have reliance on Chrome’s cookie data might take a hit, but that is how users are targeted.

But Google is not that cruel. Google Chrome browser, although it would see changes, won’t ban all the cookies. Your cookie-backed marketing won’t go old because there are many other cookies as well.

Tracking will be there. Google just won’t, all of a sudden, stop tracking users. It is just the Chrome data that will be expunged.

Advertising won’t just die. It will take time; things will get better, and marketers will eventually have to divert toward other alternatives to marketing strategies.

Businesses, brands, and organizations that sell services and products might take a lesser hit because it will be easier to find an audience.

But those with slightly peculiar requirements such as ideations and helping people identify their purposes might face a tough time.

The Future of No-Third-Party Cookie World: Here’s What to Do

The “death of third-party cookies” might not be a great advent for modern marketers, but it surely isn’t the end of the world.

The world has always faced challenges – challenges are what make people grow and achieve bigger.

The world has started paying attention to user’s privacy matters, and marketers should get started and pay heed to these changes, or maybe make a habit of it.

The future of website advertisement is sure without these third-party cookies. But first-party cookies that we discussed earlier are going nowhere. Google, at one point, even termed these cookies vital.

From now on, the companies will have to rely on products and solutions that use first-party cookie data.

Marketers and advertising platforms will have to rely on and build strategies that cater to first-party data and devise methods that find tracks to target better.

But new strategies take time to get perfect. Things get delayed a lot as well, and brands just cannot wait that long.

Here is what brands and businesses can do to remain in the competition.

  • Devise strategies that rely on first-party cookie data and explore its usefulness
  • Build solutions that would define new ways of tracking using the identities of users
  • Adapt to privacy-compliant tactics and implement solutions that are more effective

Moreover, Google’s Privacy Sandbox is an initiative that will enable what the world requires in the form of open-web tracking APIs and their various functionalities.

There are numerous solutions already available in the market. It means that the gap created by the inexistence of third-party cookies will soon be filled.

This way, users will be able to future-proof their businesses and ensure sustainability in the long term.


There might have come a ditch after the death of “tracker” cookies, but it will soon be filled. Today’s world is fast-paced. The world knows how to face challenges and how to overcome them – hence this won’t last long.

When third-party cookies get vanished, the world will resort to other alternatives and make sure that they get the best outcome.

The other not-so-famous marketing channels, including push-notification marketing, email marketing, utilizing first-party cookie data, open-web API tracking, and more, will emerge.

The world of possibilities is open – it is just a matter of time that things get discovered, explored, and properly implemented.

Author : Muhammad Bin Habib

Muhammad Bin Habib is a computer science graduate passionate about technology, writing, and automobiles. He writes on emerging technologies, mobile apps, cyber spheres, fintech, and digital marketing. He prefers watching documentaries covering military strategy and technology, international security, warplanes, and reading books that fall under the same domain in his leisure time.

AI In Recruiting: Can AI Revolutionize The Recruitment Process

AI In Recruiting: Can AI Revolutionize The Recruitment Process

The adoption of artificial technology and machine knowledge in the business sector is changing workplace practices and ethics.

Business application of artificial intelligence may take various forms, from going deeper understanding of the customers' insight to HR application for hiring new recruits.

With AI technology in the hiring process, employers can integrate the candidate's first approach instead of taking any biased decision.

AI-based software tools can collect mountains of data, filter out the right candidate for the job, communicate with the candidate, and help improve hiring decisions. This allows the employees to become better advocates of the employees.

AI has helped many industries bloom, and experts expect the same from the hiring industry.

What Is AI For Recruiting?

AI for recruitment is nothing more than using artificial technology to streamline hiring. It allows the recruiters to leverage their ATS better and provide the ability to hire more efficiently.

Today, AI has become an important piece of technology for HR. However, with the rising need to hire talented individuals, it is impossible for HR to go through thousands of resumes and filter out the right ones. It is humanly impossible.

This is where AI comes into the frame by offering an effective way to screen resumes and filter out the right candidate based on the qualification and requirements.

The trend of using an artificial intelligence recruiter has exploded during the pandemic when remote working has become a norm.

If your organization is yet to adapt to AI in the hiring process, you might lose some of the best talents.

How Can AI Revolutionize The Recruitment Process?

Automation is one tiny part of AI science. But, it is one of the most effective technologies that the modern world is blessed with.

In fact, because of this automation technology, most of the repetitive work and volume tasks have become more efficient and accurate.

Here is how AI is helping the organization to get the best talent for their organization.

1. Application Engagement

AI-based software can really help the organization find the right candidate sharing the same values and work ethics.

The recruiters can add a chat box in the application, which can be a medium of communication between the recruiters and the applicant.

Having a chat box in the AI-based recruiting software adds an additional screening layer to interview the candidates before an official interview.

Furthermore, an AI-powered chatbot comes with machine learning that matures with all the conversations you have with the applicant and prepares more human replies.

2. Resume & Candidate Screening

According to hiring statistics, a corporate job post receives an average of 250 resumes. However, out of all the resumes, only a couple are selected and are called for interviews. And this figure is generally lower for an executive post.

Now just think about how much time an individual would take to go through the 250 resumes, filter out the right candidates, and then call for an interview.

This is where people find AI recruitment software applications beneficial. You can ask the software to filter out the resumes with the right keyword optimization. This helps recruiters save time and find suitable candidates more efficiently.

In addition, there is a few AI-powered recruitment software that offers more to the recruiter. These AI software recruitment tools track the sources given in the resume and evaluate their online presence.

3. Candidate Targeting & Outreach

An organization using AI-powered recruitment tools helps scout the best talent and avoid hiring mistakes via refined keyword search algorithms. These searches allow the recruiter to find the specific attributes.

Candidate targeting with AI can be customized to filter out the applicants based on:

  • Job titles.
  • Earnings.
  • Industrial experience.
  • Educational background.
  • Age and demographics.

Utilizing AI technology in the hiring process can simplify the recruiters. No, it doesn’t eliminate the human touch; it simply automates the process before a candidate can reach the interview phase.

AI Changing The Recruiter Role!

Automation has been a part of the hiring process for some time now. But it is just that it has started to impact the industry more significantly in the last couple of years.

By leveraging AI to automate the hiring process, it can improve the applicant experience and help recruiters get hold of only the best candidate for the organization.

Making ESG a strategy

Making Environmental, Social and Governance a strategic asset

Environmental, social, and government metrics are all the rage today, both in boardrooms and the media. The question is, how do CEOs really feel about ESG? A recent survey by PwC found just 22 per cent of the more than 4,000 C-level executives surveyed said they had zero commitments to global environmental initiatives. As for now, companies are focusing more on value creation than sustainability.

Investors are increasingly concerned about ESG criteria.

At first, it was the rating agencies specialised in sustainability that mainly focused on these concepts, with a greater or lesser focus on some of them depending on the sector to which the company analysed belonged. The sustainability or CSR teams were responsible for providing the information to these agencies, which in turn shared their ratings with their clients.

Institutional investors have historically considered corporate governance issues to be relevant for investment in banks. In recent years, their interest in climate and social issues has progressively increased.

Some of the large asset managers, especially those with passively managed funds (such as Vanguard, State Street, BlackRock) and also some actively managed ones have created specialised teams, developing internal methodologies to assign their own sustainable ratings.

Environmental criteria analyse the contribution and performance of a business in addressing environmental challenges (e.g. waste, pollution, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation and climate change). Social criteria assess how the company treats people (e.g. human capital management, diversity and equal opportunities, working conditions, health and safety, product misselling), while corporate governance criteria examine how a company is managed (e.g. executive remuneration, tax practices and strategies, corruption and bribery, and board diversity and structure).

The rise of ESG criteria in the post-pandemic society

The coronavirus crisis has marked a turning point in the rise of ESG criteria, and more and more investments are prioritising ESG criteria. During the pandemic, it is social criteria have become highly relevant because of the pandemic, and that is why the vast majority of companies spent much more time during the health crisis on social issues than on profit-related issues.

But in addition to social, in 2020, and especially 2021, there has been an increased concern for environmental issues. That is why environmental criteria have also gained a lot of prominence in recent years. And it is expected that when normality returns, this factor will play an even more important role in the positioning of companies. Already today, investors have significantly increased their interest in how companies implement sustainability policies, or what policies are in place for the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Thus, companies should no longer view ESG criteria as an option or as something distant that does not affect them, but should increasingly consider that failure to incorporate them into their corporate strategy may in the long run lead to financial risk or a decline in their positioning. It is already clear to many experts that companies that better address environmental, social and governance factors can reduce risks and considerably improve their competitiveness in the market.

What are Microservices?

Conventional software solutions, both on-premises and in the cloud, are large applications that handle several different business functions and technical operations from one platform. This monolithic design can offer developers and operational teams a variety of efficiencies, not to mention cost savings in the number of tools they need to manage.

However, this infrastructure can become bulky and unmanageable as a developer team upgrades the application and the rest of the organization expands its use cases and user base over time. To make applications that work better with agile project management and DevOps team needs, many enterprises are opting to transform their most important enterprise applications into microservices.

What are microservices?

Microservices architecture is an application model in which individual components and functions are separated into different containers, or clusters, so they can operate and scale independently. Many enterprise software vendors are incorporating microservices into the newer apps that they create, but a growing segment of enterprise tech teams are taking these applications into their own hands and creating microservices that work for their specific business needs.

Application programming interfaces (APIs) are used to maintain basic connections amongst these services, but each microservice hosts its own business data and primarily relies on its own business logic and operational rules. This independent design makes it possible for a company’s developer teams to focus on each individual app component rather than the application as a whole.

Read the original article from CIO Insight

Conflict Management in the Workplace: How to Deal with Conflict as a Manager

This is an article about Conflict Management, written by an experienced Management 3.0 Facilitator, Sarika Kharbanda from India. She calls herself a global change hacker and lean change agent who explores how to nudge change forward by understanding and valuing different perspectives – a trait that comes in handy when it comes to conflicts in teams.

Workplace conflicts quick links:

It’s a 9! No. It’s a 6! Why don’t you see things the way I do?

Team member 1: “You do not have time for a discussion with us or understand what challenges we face on the ground to develop and release products!”

Team member 2: “You do not understand our issues. You have not even attempted to see how the business actually functions on our floor!”

Team member 1: “We cannot trust you. You always miss your deadlines, as you will this time.”

Team member 2: “Your behavior does not inspire trust either!”

Welcome to workplace conflict, Sarika!”, I say to myself.

How conflicts in organizations look

That is my induction into one of the Critical Product portfolio teams I am being asked to lead. 

I’m already observing aggressive body language, discomfort, uneasiness, strain and tension in the words, pitch and tone of voices in the team. It isn’t something I hoped to start my induction with at all.

Well, s**t happens!

Read the original article from Management 3.0


Creative Ways to Promote Your Business Brand

Creative Ways to Promote Your Business Brand

An effective brand strategy gives businesses an edge in increasingly competitive markets. Establishing a strong business brand helps distinguish your business from the competitors and clarifies what makes your business a better choice. Creating a strong brand involves more than developing a logo. The brand should reflect on everything surrounding your business, including business cards, customer service style, staff uniforms, and advertising materials. Since the corporate sector is getting more competitive, there is the need for brand promotion through these effective strategies to build credibility and attract more customers.

Ways to Promote Your Business Brand

Utilize Social Media Platforms

Social media has proven to be an effective strategy for reaching a wider audience through engaging content, building trust, authority, and brand personality. Even though social media itself cannot drive business growth, the platforms offer businesses an opportunity to increase awareness about their brand. Social media platforms compete to provide the best platform for businesses to market their products and promote their brand. Consistent and strategic use of social media will promote your business brand and generate organic traffic, translating to leads. Through insights and analytics, you can discover the brand promotion strategies that are working for your business.

Utilize Google

Studies show that nearly half of shoppers use Google to discover a new product line. The growing use of Google by shoppers makes it a suitable tool for promoting your business brand. In addition, Google is at the forefront of digital advertising through search engines. Maintaining a high search engine ranking will improve your business's visibility and brand. In addition to developing a website and creating content, consider creating and verifying your Google business profiles, which helps your business appear in Google Map results. Google allows businesses to promote their brand through Google Search Console, Google My Business, Google Ads, and Google Marketing Platform.

Celebrity Branding

Celebrity endorsement is commonly used by businesses to enhance their brand visibility. Partnering with a celebrity or a social media influencer will help promote your business brand, products, and services because of their extensive social networks and social media followers with high engagement. In addition to boosting brand awareness, celebrity endorsement enhances credibility since people always trust products and brands that celebrities endorse. Nonetheless, not all celebrities guarantee a return on investment; hence, the need to consider your business identity, risks, and target market when choosing a celebrity for your business brand promotion.

Create Video Content and Animation Demo Reel

Social videos dominate online activities because they generate more shares than image and text content. Creating marketing videos ranging from customer interviews and testimonials to tutorials will help promote your business brand. On the other hand, an animation demo reel allows you to show potential clients your products and services. An effective animation demo reel should not exceed 2 minutes, contain original and convincing content, and have un-intrusive music in the background.

Reasons to Promote Your Business Brand

Improve Recognition

An essential component of a brand is the logo because it is what people recognize instantly. Promoting your business logo helps create an impressive impression of your company to the market. The business logo should deliver a positive perception of your business.

Build Trust

Customers prioritize businesses that appear polished and legitimate. Promoting your business brand improves credibility, making customers trust your products. Passersby and potential customers can quickly identify your business as a trusted source of products and services with a trusted brand.

A Brand Supports Marketing

Every business engages in extensive digital marketing activities to gain a competitive edge. Appealing to a target market is easier with a legitimate and trusted brand. Your business can grow a wider market audience by adding the logo to packaging, printed materials, and apparel with a trusted brand.


The corporate sector is becoming increasingly competitive, and businesses need a large market share for growth and sustainability. Brand promotion allows your business to get word-of-mouth referrals, leading to new customers. Empowering your customers to promote your business will attract more customers to your business.

As the business sector is increasingly becoming competitive, business owners need to shift their attention to brand promotion to gain a competitive advantage. Creating a brand should be followed by extensive marketing to gain more customers, build trust, and improve credibility. Through these creative ways, businesses can effectively promote their brand awareness and products and services.

Digital Marketing or Trade Shows - What Should You Choose to Grow Your Business?

Digital Marketing or Trade Shows – What Should You Choose to Grow Your Business?

Trade shows and digital marketing are great ways to promote your business, attract new customers, and generate more revenue. But what will work better for your company?

This article highlights various aspects of digital marketing and trade show marketing to help you develop a powerful strategy for your business. There are numerous benefits you can seek from the two marketing models. 

What Is a Trade Show?

A trade show helps a business showcase its products in front of a larger audience for a particular industry. You can demonstrate how your product works and showcase your new offerings.

There are numerous options for trade show rentals that help reduce the cost of the entire event for a company. You can get the following benefits by choosing a trade show rentals service:

  • Access to the latest trends in the trade show industry
  • Attractive trade show booths and trending displays at minimal costs
  • Short-time delivery of the trade show booth, making it easier to meet the timeline
  • A hassle-free experience so that you get more time to engage in planning your activities

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a tool that helps promote your products and services online through various digital channels. These can include:

  • Social media marketing via various social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Email marketing
  • Search engine optimization to increase your visibility in Google search results
  • Pay-per-click advertising on social media platforms and search engines
  • Content marketing

Several services with various marketing offers are available that you can tweak as per your requirement and increase your visibility in the online space.

Key Highlights of Trade Show Marketing

There are various highlight points that trade show marketing can help you get. These include:

Meeting Your Potential Customers

A trade show provides an opportunity to meet your target audience face-to-face. You can:

  • Get direct feedback from them 
  • Respond to their queries
  • Explain the benefits that your product offers
  • Build a stronger relationship with your customers

You can interact with your new and existing customers about your company’s future plans. It is also a great platform to understand their pains, which will help you design better products in the future.

Increase Your Brand Awareness

Trade shows are a great medium to help you increase brand awareness. You can achieve this by utilizing various graphic elements present in your trade show booth. The space represents your brand. You can have elements that are in sync with your brand and help showcase its personality.

Understanding Your Competition

A trade show is a great way to analyze your competition and understand:

  • What are the offerings by them that customers appreciate?
  • What are the products and services you can also provide?
  • What are the techniques they use to market their products and services?

Targeting Niche Leads 

Since every trade show happens specific to a particular industry, you can target a niche audience. It helps you collect feedback for your products and services and assess their demand in the market.

Key Highlights of Digital Marketing

There are a few highlights that digital marketing can help you to get. These can include:

Seeking a Better ROI

Digital marketing campaigns can help generate a higher return on investment than traditional advertising campaigns. The cost per acquisition can get significantly altered with the help of the right digital marketing strategy.

Tracking and Measuring a Campaign 

One of the most crucial benefits that digital marketing campaigns offer is that you can track and measure the outcome. You can monitor:

  • The time users spend on your website
  • The demographics from which your website gets the maximum traffic
  • The pages or content that your users prefer the most
  • The campaigns that work best for you

Reach Your Ideal Customers

Digital marketing helps you target customers based on precise demographic factors and preferences. It lets you narrow down your audience and improves the performance of your campaigns.

A Higher Reach

There are billions of users in the online space. By choosing to use digital marketing, you open up new possibilities for your brand. Having the right mix of strategies can help you increase your reach exponentially.

What Is the Apt Strategy for You?

As you can see, trade shows and digital marketing campaigns offer unique benefits. You can choose the right model for your business depending on your budget, end goals, target audience, and other factors.

company culture

Is The Culture You Have The One You Need?

Culture is top of mind as CEOs take decisions about talent retention, return-to-office, and equity (among others.) Major disruptions—with which we are all painfully familiar right now—highlight the impact of culture on a company’s success or failure.

And it’s not just about people. Culture impacts staff and customer behavior. The actions and behaviors of individuals and particularly, company leaders, reflect directly on the organization’s image and reputation. Together, these affect financial performance and company value—both negatively and positively. In fact, James L. Heskett estimates that culture can account for up to half of the differential in corporate performance among like companies.

Navigating through big change—in the external or internal environment—is precisely the time to consider culture.

CEOs shape company culture by their decisions and actions.

Not long ago, while discussing strategy with a new CEO (hired from outside the organization), they told me: “I don’t want to change the culture.” My reply: “You already have.” A new person sitting in the CEO’s seat shifts culture. In my experience, denying this reality impedes progress, even with the best of intentions.

Separately, a CHRO described a culture of continuous improvement. While seemingly helpful, the result she described is a never-ending quest for perfection that stifles growth and change. These days, CEOs cite culture among their reasons for taking a return-to-office decision. As in: “We’re an office culture.”

Simply by joining the organization, the new CEO changed the culture. Tracking metrics that perpetuated the myth of perfection slowed progress, even as the CEO set goals to accelerate performance. An “office culture” has little meaning in a virtual, work-from-anywhere world.

Every organization has an inherent culture—a fundamental predisposition that exists with or without the CEO’s direct intervention. Still, CEOs shape company culture by their decisions and actions. Failure to define (or clarify) explicitly the desired cultural norms typically results in a slew of unwritten rules that can impede productivity. It’s up to the CEO to nurture the culture that makes it easier to achieve objectives.

Full article: https://chiefexecutive.net/is-the-culture-you-have-the-one-you-need/ from ChiefExecutive.net